Thanks for your votes and narratives. Based on extensive feedback, coupled with personal bias, I now have five contenders. I am taking new votes and comments, but will also start to research each in more depth. First, a few clarifications:
1. Mike will travel with me. Freddy will not.
2. Except for major transport legs, we will spend most of the trip non-motorized- likely hiking and walking, perhaps canoeing or biking, depending on destination.
3. We would like to visit people you know, if you know people where we go.
4. The time of year and length of trip will depend on where we go.
5. We don't plan to tackle the entire scope of each choice- just quality time in a few spots within the selected region.
Send ideas, let me know if you have connections, help persuade me further. It will be hard to narrow to a finalist, so I will need your help!