Friday, April 11, 2008

Hating on NYC

So.... the only choice with no votes at this point is New York City.  Curious.  I just can't figure it out.  But, you go with your big city hate.  There are no rules.  I guess you can support Al Qeada if you want.  Its America.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh baby, there is no hating on NYC! You know I love it so much I want to marry is just that maybe it isn't right for your big trip, you know? You have been there a bunch of times before and it isn't really the place to clear your head and start anew. You will more than likely just come back with a severe hangover, a friendly cabbie's "business card" and a great pair of shoes that seemed oh so functional at the queda can't touch that, but there are places that will be much better suited to your big trip. Buenos Aires for example :)